Jim Roberts is an experienced white-collar criminal lawyer who represents companies and individuals in government inquiries and prosecutions, internal investigations, regulatory enforcement proceedings, securities litigation, and complex civil business litigation.

A former Manhattan Assistant District Attorney, Jim is a regular contributor to several legal publications, including the New York Law Journal, on leading-edge topics in white-collar defense.

Clients regularly seek Jim’s counsel when confronting inquiries or allegations related to securities fraud, insider trading, cryptocurrency, mail and wire fraud, health care fraud, bank fraud, and violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act (FIRREA), and the Sherman Antitrust Act.

In addition to his white-collar defense practice, Jim represents businesses in complex civil litigation, including, civil securities litigation, civil fraud, intellectual property disputes, and data privacy. 



  • Representation of a C-suite executive of financial institution in an internal investigation
  • Representation of a senior executive in FINRA investigation of alleged front-running
  • Representation of the CEO of a healthcare company in alleged multimillion dollar fraud scheme
  • Represented multiple witnesses in federal healthcare fraud investigation
  • Representation of senior executives of global financial services firm in federal criminal and SEC securities fraud investigations
  • Representation of senior executive of credit rating agency in federal and state mortgage ratings fraud investigations
  • Conducted internal Title IX investigation on behalf of educational institution related to allegations of sexual harassment
  • Counseled investment firm on employment contract issues
  • Represented fashion company in contract dispute

Committee Member, New York City Bar Association’s Judiciary Committee 2023-Present